Thursday, January 31, 2019

Gatsby pages 14-22

I just finished chapter one of "The Great Gatsby". Basically what i found out is that Tom wasn't present for his daughter's birth. He was no where to be found and that Daisy didn't really care about the child and said that the best thing she could be is a buetiful fool. I also learned that Tom might be talking to another woman who lives in New York. There are apparently rumors about Nick being engaged to a woman in his town. When Nick got back to his home to saw who he believes is Gatsby who in a short few minutes or so just vanishes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rich People and backward Thinking

Alright so I'm reading a book named "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It occurs to me that some of the characters are sexist and/or racist. Tom is a good 3xapmle. He often cuts his wife's sentences in half, is rude to her, and he physically and possibly emotionally hurts her. Daisy (Tom's wife) shows Nick (the main character) her bruised hand in which she says that Tom did it. Tom also shows that is a racist by saying "The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be- will be utterly submerged" in which he is talking about a book called "The rise of the Coloured Empires". Later he says "It's up to us who are the dominant race to watch out or these other races will have a control of things.". Tom is saying that The white race is the ultimate race and that they need to be careful or else the other races will take over. He demonstrates the definition of racism which is the belief that one race is superior than others.

Friday, January 25, 2019


I recently heard about Hopepunk which is a new literary genre that was made about a month ago. By what I can find it's basically about fighting back no matter what. It's placed in an era of President Donald Trump and a post acolyptic world. The person who found it lives in masacchutes. It's sounds pretty interesting I suggest checking it out.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Differences of three genres

There are three different genres that I recently heard about. They are naturalism, realism and modernism.First of all what is a genre? A genre is basically a bunch of catorgeriz3d groups of things. Let's take music. There is hip-hop, rock, metal, old school and whole lot more. They are all their own genres because all the songs in each category are similar in some way. Now the 3 genres i want to talk about. Naturalism is fictional, the characterns are often lower class citizens, inspire people by spiritual reasons (ethos), and are driven by unnatural powers. Realism is where the characters are held accountable by their decisions, self-detrrmined, live in an interior world, and are often phycologically complex. Modernilism is fictional, often a poetry or short story, showed the destruction, blood and basically everything bad that happened after world war one.

How to get to Graceland

My experience with reading and writing has mostly been with different groups of people. These groups are usually at school with my classmates. I saw a video about Paul Simon. I couldn't really realate to it. It was cool and all to watch and learn about someone who did something that no one else has done but I couldn't realate.