Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ch. 15 notes BNW

  • Alpha (that is distributing soma to Deltas) talks in a way that he sounds as if he is talking down to the Deltas
  • Deltas stopped pushing after Alpha threatened to stop distributing until he had "good behaviour"
  • John tells Deltas to stop taking soma- calls it poison
  • John starts throwing soma out a window
  • Deltas get mad and start rushing towards John to attack
  • Helmhotz runs to help John
  • Deltas now attacking John and Helmhotz
  • Policemen come in- sprays soma like gas and plays a calming soundtrack for the Deltas
  • Bernard, John, and Helmhotz taken in by the police.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Ch. 13 BNW Notes

  • "A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away,"- Henry Foster
  • Lenina snapped at Henry
  • Danny doesn't like that Lenina is sad and only wants one man
  • Lenina only wants John
  • Danny tries to pressure Lenina into having sex with John whether he wants to or not
  • John expected Helmholtz at the door but it was Lenina
  • John wanted to prove himself worthy of Lenina
  • ^ Lenina doesn't see why
  • John is willing to do anything for Lenina
  • John tells Lenina he loves her
  • Lenina hated the idea of marriage but told John she liked him
  • Lenina stripped down for John
  • John didn't understand why Lenina stripped down- became scared almost-backed into a wall
  • Lenina started to sing a song "Hug me till you drug me, honey... kiss me until I'm in a coma. Hug me, hunny, snuggly"
  • John calls Lenina a whore
  • John pushes Lenina away- she falls
  • Lenina scared of John
  • Lenina rushes into bathroom
  • John pissed off because of how Lenina acted
  • John realuntantly gives Lenina her clothes threw a ventalation above the bathroom door
  • John gets a call about a girl being sick
  • John rushs to the address given to him
  • Lenina runs out of room and doesn't feel safe until she goes down the lift

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ch. 12 BNW

  • John doesn't want to to show up at Bernard's party
  • Indignation-anger or annoyed
  • People indignant because they can't see John
  • Lenina thinks John hates her
  • Everyone hates Bernard now
  • John "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare
  • Paper titled "A New Theory of Biology" called dangerous and potentially subversive by Mustapha Mond-not to be published
  • "What fun would it be, if one didn't have to think of happiness".-Mustapha Mond
  • Bernard becomes unhappy again
  • Helmholtz and John forgive Bernard for the way he acted
  • Helmholtz did a rhyme about being alone- "marked" by authority
  • ^ Students reported him
  • Bernard jealous of Helmhotz and John because of how much they're talking about stuff
  • ^ soma won't work for Bernard
  • Helmholtz has outburst about Juliet getting forced into marriage

Friday, April 5, 2019

Ch. 11 BNW notes

  • Director fired because of what happened-now considered a joke
  • People digested by Linda
  • Linda took 20 grammies of soma a day
  • John tried to make Linda not take the soma
  • Linda OD's on soma
  • First time Bernard was of importance because of John
  • Everyone like Bernard now
  • Helmoltz sad-why?-off soma?
  • Bernard told himself not to talk to Helmoltz again
  • People believe that Bernard is going to have a bad ending
  • John isn't happy
  • Moustapha Mond gets angry because Bernard's report doesn't spell out mother and so he feels insulted
  • Deltas-black
  • Gammas-ginger 
  • Epsilon-Blue eyed, flaxen, and freckled
  • John doesn't want soma
  • Theres a school where individuals are made (not birthed)
  • Little girls in beta-minus geography cried their sins to Jesus in class
  • ^- whipped themselves and laughed
  • People don't do things by themselves
  • Lenina likes John
  • John introduced to "Feelys" by Lenina
  • Titillation-arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words
  • "Feelys"- place for sexual satisfaction
  • End of movie- Black man (gone crazy) sent to reconditing center- Blonde saved by 3 white men
  • John doesn't feel worthy enough for Lenina
  • John didn't like the movie-thinks it was ignoble
  • Ignoble-not honorable in character or purpose
  • Linina wants to do it with John-Lustful
  • John leaves Lenina at her house
  • John reads "Othello"- compares "Othello" to black man in movie-calls him hero
  • Lenina chances not waking up the next day- takes 3 grammies of soma

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

ENDGAME (No not the movie)

Alright so my school year is close to the end. So far my class has been pretty open about what we want to learn. The teacher has given us ideas and listened to ours. It's pretty close to the end. I have talked to my teacher about an experiment. I'm aware of Pavlov's experiment with dogs, food, and a bell. However I plan on doing it with my colleagues. I plan on examining them although I'm not going into details of the experiment so that if any of them do read this post they won't know what the experiment is.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

BNW ch. 10 notes

  • Woman only sang at work-all same
  • Men only whistled- all same
  • "It is better that one should suffer than that many should be corrupted"-Director
  • "Murder kills only the individual-and, after, what is an individual"-director
  • Director calls Bernard a tyrant (basically) because of how he acts and is
  • Bernard brings in Linda
  • Linda was Director's lover!
  • People quieted down when Linda said Director made her have a baby
  • Linda calls John in.
  • Director is John's father
  • Director laughed at for being called "Father"

Monday, April 1, 2019

Ch. 9 notes BNW

  • Lenina takes six half-gramme of some when she got back to the rest house

  • Bernard given warrant to take Linda and John out of reservation

  • Someone broke into the rest town

  • Someone obsessed with Lenina

  • Quotes Shakespeare

  •  The person ran away towards Bernard after hearing him land