Friday, April 5, 2019

Ch. 11 BNW notes

  • Director fired because of what happened-now considered a joke
  • People digested by Linda
  • Linda took 20 grammies of soma a day
  • John tried to make Linda not take the soma
  • Linda OD's on soma
  • First time Bernard was of importance because of John
  • Everyone like Bernard now
  • Helmoltz sad-why?-off soma?
  • Bernard told himself not to talk to Helmoltz again
  • People believe that Bernard is going to have a bad ending
  • John isn't happy
  • Moustapha Mond gets angry because Bernard's report doesn't spell out mother and so he feels insulted
  • Deltas-black
  • Gammas-ginger 
  • Epsilon-Blue eyed, flaxen, and freckled
  • John doesn't want soma
  • Theres a school where individuals are made (not birthed)
  • Little girls in beta-minus geography cried their sins to Jesus in class
  • ^- whipped themselves and laughed
  • People don't do things by themselves
  • Lenina likes John
  • John introduced to "Feelys" by Lenina
  • Titillation-arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words
  • "Feelys"- place for sexual satisfaction
  • End of movie- Black man (gone crazy) sent to reconditing center- Blonde saved by 3 white men
  • John doesn't feel worthy enough for Lenina
  • John didn't like the movie-thinks it was ignoble
  • Ignoble-not honorable in character or purpose
  • Linina wants to do it with John-Lustful
  • John leaves Lenina at her house
  • John reads "Othello"- compares "Othello" to black man in movie-calls him hero
  • Lenina chances not waking up the next day- takes 3 grammies of soma

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