Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Earth on Turtle's Back

So recently I've heard and read of a myth called "The Earth on Turtle's Back". I'm going to give a little summary. So it starts off by explaining how there isn't any Earth just water, water, and more water with just water animals and birds. There was also a "Skyland" which was a place which a huge tree where some kind of tribe lived. So there was an ancient chief who had a wife who was expecting a child. The wife had a dream where the huge tree was uprooted. She tells the chief about the dream. The people of the Skyland gather around the tree then they try to uproot it. They couldn't. The chief decided to give it a try and he uprooted it. When the chief uprooted the tree it left a hole. The wife held on to the roots of the tree to pear in. She looses grip and falls into the hole with a handful of seeds. The animals below see her and two swans fly up and catch her before she hits the water. The animals try to decide what to do with her and they think of Earth which is at the bottom of the ocean. All sort of animals try and fail except a simple muskrat. It swam and swam until it got to the bottom and even though it almost died it grabbed Earth and went back up successful. They didn't know where to put Earth until a turtle told them to put it on his back. They put it on his back and almost immediately it grows. The swans put the wife on Earth and she plants the seeds and they spring up to life making Earth. So I like this story the full version is obviously better but it was just a summary. I'm not really sure about what to think of this story. What I get out of this story besides how the Earth was made but also not to give up no matter how small or weak you are. At the bottom of this blog is a picture of a muskrat. This small animal swam to the bottom of the ocean and almost died but it didn't because it believed it could do it and it did. I get out of this story that you should always try your best no matter how hard it is, you can do it and make it no matter how much is against you. If you believe in yourself you can achieve anything whether if its for yourself or someone else like the muskrat got Earth for the woman. This is Flame signing off.

Size: 15.75 - 27.56in
Weigh: Newborn- 0.05lbs
Average- 1.32- 4.41lbs

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