Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thinking about the presentation

If you have been following my posts then you know that I had a presentation on May 24, 2019 aka last Friday. I have been thinking about it and how it had gone. I recieved a paper with some of my colleagues thoughts. Their thoughts were their opinions of my presentations. According to then I did great. My presentation was about how the brain works. I have been interested lately of how the brain works and why it is we do some the things we do. I was very nervous and even mentioned it to everyone that I was nervous and tried to relate it to the presentation. I was so happy when it was over. I think I did pretty good as well. Some of my colleagues thought were "Great presentation, good job getting the audience involved. I liked how you explained your topic" and "He provided details and explained how the parts of the brain work. Complex.". I really happy about how it went and kind of look forward to another.

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