Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Dream Within a Dream

I recently read a poem called "A Dream Within a Dream" by Edgar Allan Poe. What caught my attention in the poem is when he says "And I hold within my hand... Grains of the golden sand- How few! yet how hey creep...  Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep- while I weep!  O God! Can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I no save One from the pitiless wave?". I feel like Edgar Allan Poe is trying to say that you can have this amazing wonderful thing in the palm of your hand. It can be anything really like a loved one, that game you always wanted, that book that you saw at the book store, anything really. Yet no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you don't want to lose it, it'll just disappear. He/She left or passed away forever never to be seen again except for on social media. That game all scratched up or maybe even missed placed. The book oh the book should have never left the bookshelf then maybe the baby or dog wouldn't have ripped the pages out or ran off and put it somewhere else where you'll never see it again. You can really love something or someone and try your very best to not lose it/them but in the end you will lose grip in someway and it/they slips out through your fingers. All you can do then is sit and cry and mourn because you lost the most or one of the most amazing thing/s in the world.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Young Goodman Brown

 I recently read a little bit of something called "Young Goodman Brown". I have a friend who also read it and we were debating as to whether or not Goodman was dreaming or what the heck is going on. He declared that he was not dreaming and that what was happening was real because it had specific dates and to him it felt like it was all really happening it was real to Goodman so it must've been actually happening. I somewhat agree with his idea of it being real. I think that it was part real and part of it was Goodman hallucinating. It seems real and I think that the beginning when Goodman was saying goodbye to his wife was real. However his friend that he starts walking with into the forest is not real but a figment of his imagination to keep him company. It starts going weird at this point and I'll be honest I didn't get very far with reading it because it's just to much for me plus I tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to reading. They start walking into the forest in which it seems a bit to long and to me it seems like Goodman starts hallucinating. The friend talked about how he went with Goodman's dad and grandfather down the same roads. I think Goodman was bringing memories from what his dad and grandfather were like and connecting how similar they were and how if he goes down their path he'll end up the same as them. I think that Goodman was both seeing reality and hallucinating.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Conscience Of A Hacker

I recently read "Conscience of a Hacker". I found it interesting because of how its suppose to be an incite as to how a hacker thinks. What I got out of it was that teachers feel somewhat threatened when a student is curious or knows more of the topic that the teacher is talking about. I also think that the author believes that teacher assume that all teenagers are all the same. They show this by the phrases "Damn kid." and "They're all alike". I feel like the author of this message was really mad at adults because as a teenager he feels like adults don't like teenagers who are curious. Although he is a hacker so I think that's what he means by being more curious. He's more curious than an average student because he has learned how to get into a computer's system and that's usually frowned apon. Basically I think the author was mad at schools because he got in trouble for hacking in a computer.