Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Emerson essay

To me "On self-Reliance" means to rely on yourself and with having read the passage I it means that you should be able to know yourself and be true to yourself so you don't have to rely on others to think they know you when you know you. His tone in the passage to me is kind of a caring like he wants people to be themselves and by making this passage I think he needed to try to convince people to be themselves. "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true to all men,-that is genius" (Emerson). Emerson is saying that if you believe in what you love deep down in your heart then its amazing. The way he uses his words it shows that he is serious about this passage and truly care that people be themselves. Emerson inspires me to want to help others to be themselves rather than trying to be someone they aren't.

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