Wednesday, March 20, 2019

BNW ch. 7 notes

  • Lenina doesn't like savages
  • Old people in the "normal society" weren't the typical old people as today IRL
  • Lenina freaked out about motherhood
  • Lenina didn't like seeing a man whipped
  • Lenina cries for soma- doesn't want to be sad
  • A white man (in reservation) wanted to a be sacrafice?
  • ^ wasn't allowed because of complexion
  • The man whipped-died
  • The whipping was to please gods-tradition
  • Lenina smiles a lot at the man
  • The directors lover is the man's mother-Linda
  • Lenina didn't like Linda
  • Linda-Beta-Had baby-hated it- wanted to go back-was no longer "normal"
  • Lenina hated the idea of babies
  • Man-John
  • Linda hates the reservation-wishes she could go back
  • Linda tried to condition Frank
  • Frank (at young age) wasn't allowed to do what other boys could

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