Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brave New World ch. 5 notes

  • People's bodies were reincarnated then reused
  • Lenina remembers waking up in the middle of the night when she was young and hearing a voice say "Everyone works for everyone else"
  • ^ Lenina's first shock of fear and surprise
  • The people know they're conditioned to be happy that they aren't other caste
  • Lenina remembers being told that she's happy (50x every night, for 12 years)
  • Old favorite song- "There ain't no bottle in the world like that dear little bottle of mine"- talking about how they were made?
  • Women are conditioned to take "precautions birth controls?
  • They have a "Ford's day"- Ford=God
  • If you were playing "obstacle" or "electro-magnetic"- it was weird- Bernard was weird
  • Meeting of 12 people (groups) on Ford's day- cult like
  • People danced and sang "orgy porgy"
  • Bernard lied to Fifi about enjoying the ritual
  • Bernard feels empty and alone

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