Thursday, March 7, 2019

Brave New World chapters 1-2 Conversations

I was talking to colleague about the first 2 chapters of "Brave New World". One thing that jumped out to us both was how the book kind of relates to what's happening now with the education system. When children are told to learn let's say vocabulary, they learn them but they don't understand them. They get a test to test whether or not they know them and they'll pass, however they don't understand a single thing they learned. Another thing is that people are afraid to speak they're mind. In the book one of the children following a director around a factory asks a question. The director made him feel stupid and embarrassed. This is what happens from middle school to high school. No one wants to speak because they are afraid of being wrong or made a fool of . A third thing is that people are literally made in factories like a toy or something. Although it is cool via story wise but to think about it as real life it's kind of scary to see that as a future. Theres also the fact that the people in the book consider a man named Ford as god. At the end of chapter 2 the director says "Oh Ford". This corresponds to the people seeing a man, who I assume made humans be able to be created in factories, as a god. The last thing is that the Beta's,  a batch of babies that were made in a factory, were being taught to hate others for various reasons. They were being taught via overhead to hate everyone else except for Betas.

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