Monday, March 11, 2019

Brave New World chapter 3. Notes

  • Games were a way to get people to buy stuff
  • What kind of sexual game were the boy and girl playing?
  • Polly Trotsky-girl who hurt a boy
  • Sex among was allowed and considered normal
  • Moustapha Mond-one of 10 world controllers
  • Henry Foster-with Lenina Crowne
  • Bernard Marx-psychology bureau-somethings off
  • Leniana Crowne-with Henry Foster
  • People believe anything a controller says
  • The term "mother" made people sick
  • Homes were considered squalid-horrible
  • Families were considered horrible things
  • Dating for long term is frowned upon (Henry+Lenia)
  • DHC doesn't allow for dating to be a long term thing
  • Having sex with multiple people was normal
  • Public sexual activity was normal
  • Doing alone is frowned upon
  • Small wasn't liked (height)
  • Museums-shut down
  • Historical monuments-blown up
  • Books before Ford were burned

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