Thursday, March 28, 2019

Some ideas, thoughts, or something to know about ch. 8

  • Bernard asked John to explain what John has been threw in his childhood in the reservation.

  • Linda (John's mother) isn't origanally from the reservation so her idea of relationships is basically just have intercourse with whoever you want but don't stay to long with them. The "savages" don't agree with that idea, their ideas are much like ours where we prefer long term relationships with love and affection. John learns about Linda's idea of relationships when he goes home to her getting whipped by 3 woman. After the 3 woman are done whipping Linds cries about not knowing what the woman meant by their men being theirs and no one elses.

  • Keep in mind that Pope brang Mescal to Linda in which she compares it to soma.

  • Something that's interesting is that John drank a little bit of the mescal. This caused his anger for Pope to inflate and John expressed it. John found a knife on the floor and stabbed Pope while he slept. Pope evoke and and realized what John has done. Pope just laughs and tells John to go into the next room.

  • Something that some reader might not notice is Shakepeare's allusions. "Nay, but to live
    In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
    Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love
    Over the nasty sty …". 
I asked a colleague what book this was from. I don't remember the book name but I remember him explaining that this part is when a son realizes what his mother and uncle had done. The uncle killed the father to become king. And mother was with the uncle. I think that this is a corrasponse to how Linda gets with multiple people.

  • John feels alone. He is the only light-skinned person in the reservation. Because of this he isn't allowed in the savages traditions thus makes him alone.

  • John crusified himself. John did this because Jesus did it. He also was very unhappy which was another one of his reasons. His last reason was that he felt that he had done something wrong.

  • After hearing John's story Bernard proposed that he could take John and Linda outside of the reservation.

  • Bernard told John that he and Lenina were not together. This made John pretty darn happy.

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