Thursday, December 6, 2018

Fahrenheit 451 Montag and Faber's plan

So Montag met Faber finely and they talked about books. Faber then unintentionally brings up a plan that might save the world from the devastation of not having books. Putting books in the fire houses. Flagging that the fire houses have book. Then getting them burnt. Now i have read this book already so I already know what happens next but I would like to reread it again because well its a good book.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Well knowing my work effort the best garde i can strive for is a C. I need to work to get posts on my blog. I need to pay more attention. I also need to get that damn book done.

Monday, November 26, 2018

My big question/ Novemeber

So i have a pretty big question. How do you trust someone when you don't trust yourself. I'm not saying that I don't trust myself but it's just something I always ponder. How is it that people trust others but yet at the same time not really trust themselves. You've probably heard people say like "I don't trust myself to remember" or something I like that. That's not what I mean. Like in reality does anyone truly trust themselves. Like imagine if everyone had an actual self in their body. Just imagine you're you now however there's also another one of you but different in a way. I'll let you imagine that part but wouldn't it be wierd to have another one of you but in you. Would you trust that person enough to accept their opinions? Would you trust them not to lie to you? Would you trust them not to put your life in danger?

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Right or wrong to break the law?

Well laws are really there to sustain order and try to protect people. To break the law is very foolish in my opinion. Like when a cop pulls you over for not having a seatbelt and your just like "Are you serious what does it matter?!". Well it does matter because it's reassuring your safety if in any case your in an accident. So to break the law is very dumb everyone should obey the law for their own safety and their Children's and or spouses safety.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Henry David Thoreau quotes

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth" (Thoreau). Thoreau is referring to life itself. He is saying that instead of having so many things in life he much rather have honesty, truth. Ya you can have love, but is it real like really real not something that someone says just so they can say that they have someone in their life. You can have money, but what was the true cost to get that green paper that you cherish so much. Fame is great, but do the people who adore like you or what you did. Thoreau would much rather someone tell them the truth as to whether or not they are truly love them. He'd like to know where that money came from rather than have it and not care who it was taken from. He'd rather have people adore his work because that's what they like most.

"The world is but a canvas to our imagination" (Thoreau). Henry is referring to the world and imagination. "You can do anything you put your mind to" is what we're always told in school. Henry would tell us the same thing. You can imagine anything you could want but for it to become real you must do it yourself. Imagination is an amazing thing that brings us happiness because it's a place where anything can be real. If you want everyone in the world to see it though, you have to work on it. Just like painting, artists use their imagination then they work on it. They pay attention to every detail to make not good, not great, but perfect. If you put your mind into something and put the time into it then that idea that image inside your head. It will be a reality.

"Be yourself-not the idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be" (Thoreau) This quote is referring to a person's self. It's basically saying that you shouldn't try to be something that you believe that other people expect you to be. You should be yourself. Take a female for instance. They are expected to dress great, be beautiful, slim, do household chores, and many other things. They don't have to be and do those things. They're human being just like men. We are all human being and we can be what we want and be who we want. Just because that's "womanly" doesn't mean that they have to be that way.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Emerson essay

To me "On self-Reliance" means to rely on yourself and with having read the passage I it means that you should be able to know yourself and be true to yourself so you don't have to rely on others to think they know you when you know you. His tone in the passage to me is kind of a caring like he wants people to be themselves and by making this passage I think he needed to try to convince people to be themselves. "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true to all men,-that is genius" (Emerson). Emerson is saying that if you believe in what you love deep down in your heart then its amazing. The way he uses his words it shows that he is serious about this passage and truly care that people be themselves. Emerson inspires me to want to help others to be themselves rather than trying to be someone they aren't.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Todays Emerson Reading #1

So I am reading "On Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson (they finally found him). There are going to be a new post every three paragraphs that I will read and I will be giving my sort of summary of it and telling about a few words that I don't know the meaning of or forgot the meaning of. So today I read the first three paragraphs and stopped where he said "no muse befriends; no invention, no hope." Just from that I kind of get a depressing feeling about the three paragraphs. So how I am going to do this is I'm going to tell you where I left off, give my own little summary of what I read, and then tell you words that I looked the meaning up of. So the first paragraph to me it's basically saying to celebrate yourself be happy for who you are. The second paragraph to me is saying that when in school people envy those who have cooler stuff and contemplate suicide because they don't have what they have. The third paragraph to me is basically saying that people are scared to be themselves and they hide their uniqueness and are unhappy because they feel that they can't be themselves.


Merit-quality of being particularly  good or worthy so as to deserve praise or reward.

Abide- accept or act in accordance with.

Spontaneous- Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination without premeditation or external stimulus.

Latent- Existing but not yet developed or manifest hidden or concealed.

Luster- A gentle sheen or soft glow especially that of a partly reflective surface.

Firmament- The heavens or the sky.

Alienated- Experiencing or inducing feeling of isolation or estrangement.

All definitions were found on Wikipedia

The art of hosting good conversations online

Many people like talking to people for various reasons whether it's in person or online. People love to talk it's just a natural thing that people like to do. Well why not start a community where you can get to know people and talk to them online? It's really not that hard you just have to learn how to be a good host to those people. Well first off you got to be nice and yes I know "well I'm nice all the time" yes many of you might be but it isn't just nice. You have to be understanding, helpful, and many other things. You see you have to get to know people like actually get to know them try addressing them by their name when you mention them or talk to them. Don't pick sides when there's an argument. People will fight it's natural people fight all the time when they disagree but you can't choose sides no matter what. It's kind of hard to host a good and friendly community but just try your best to make it a good environment for everyone because in the end it will be worth it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Something you might not know.

We all love the internet no doubt about it. However, we see words that we think we know, we hear it and we see it but do you actually know what it means? Do you know what meme mean? Ya I didn't either at first even though I thought I did l looked some words up and wanted to share what they mean.

Meme- "an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation." (Wikipedia)

Virus- A small infective agent that consist of a nucleic acid molecule in a protean but its too small to be seen by a light microscopy

Viral- Something that goes around the internet rapidly

Blog- A website that is run by one or more people that is updated daily

Wiki- A website that allows it users to change it

URL- It's a address of a world wide web page

Website- its a place in the internet that maintains one or more pages on the world wide web

www- Short for World Wide Web

Internet- It's a global network that has a bunch of information that consists of interconnected networks using standardized communication periods

2.0- A better version than the original

Open Source- "denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified." (Wikipedia)

I didn't know the exact definition before I looked them up either even though I use them almost everyday

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Letter to BeZo

Dear BeZo,
 I'm Mario Hernandez. I want to be an amazing gamer just like you. Your the top player of MLG which is amazing. I wanted to know how it is you became so good. How do you approach a new game? Do you have any strategies that you use for specific genres? I just wanted to know how it is you became the best. I wanted to hear your stories from you and how long it took you to get recognized for your skill. I'm an average gamer like platinum in Overwatch average player. How long did it take you to become a beast at gaming? I mean I'm decent I guess but I want to be an amazing gamer like one that streams on Twitch and get thousands of viewers at time. I just want to know how it is I can improve myself as a gamer. How can I get better at video games? How does someone get noticed? I also wanted to get to know your background as to how it is you became the MLG best. What attracted you to gaming in the first place? I started gaming when I was 8 years old. The first game I ever played was the first ever Halo on the original Xbox. I never stopped playing videogames since then. I freaking love video games for multiple reason just like any other gamer but I don't just want to enjoy a game I want to be good at videogames. What kind of tips can you give me?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Dream Within a Dream

I recently read a poem called "A Dream Within a Dream" by Edgar Allan Poe. What caught my attention in the poem is when he says "And I hold within my hand... Grains of the golden sand- How few! yet how hey creep...  Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep- while I weep!  O God! Can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I no save One from the pitiless wave?". I feel like Edgar Allan Poe is trying to say that you can have this amazing wonderful thing in the palm of your hand. It can be anything really like a loved one, that game you always wanted, that book that you saw at the book store, anything really. Yet no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you don't want to lose it, it'll just disappear. He/She left or passed away forever never to be seen again except for on social media. That game all scratched up or maybe even missed placed. The book oh the book should have never left the bookshelf then maybe the baby or dog wouldn't have ripped the pages out or ran off and put it somewhere else where you'll never see it again. You can really love something or someone and try your very best to not lose it/them but in the end you will lose grip in someway and it/they slips out through your fingers. All you can do then is sit and cry and mourn because you lost the most or one of the most amazing thing/s in the world.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Young Goodman Brown

 I recently read a little bit of something called "Young Goodman Brown". I have a friend who also read it and we were debating as to whether or not Goodman was dreaming or what the heck is going on. He declared that he was not dreaming and that what was happening was real because it had specific dates and to him it felt like it was all really happening it was real to Goodman so it must've been actually happening. I somewhat agree with his idea of it being real. I think that it was part real and part of it was Goodman hallucinating. It seems real and I think that the beginning when Goodman was saying goodbye to his wife was real. However his friend that he starts walking with into the forest is not real but a figment of his imagination to keep him company. It starts going weird at this point and I'll be honest I didn't get very far with reading it because it's just to much for me plus I tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to reading. They start walking into the forest in which it seems a bit to long and to me it seems like Goodman starts hallucinating. The friend talked about how he went with Goodman's dad and grandfather down the same roads. I think Goodman was bringing memories from what his dad and grandfather were like and connecting how similar they were and how if he goes down their path he'll end up the same as them. I think that Goodman was both seeing reality and hallucinating.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Conscience Of A Hacker

I recently read "Conscience of a Hacker". I found it interesting because of how its suppose to be an incite as to how a hacker thinks. What I got out of it was that teachers feel somewhat threatened when a student is curious or knows more of the topic that the teacher is talking about. I also think that the author believes that teacher assume that all teenagers are all the same. They show this by the phrases "Damn kid." and "They're all alike". I feel like the author of this message was really mad at adults because as a teenager he feels like adults don't like teenagers who are curious. Although he is a hacker so I think that's what he means by being more curious. He's more curious than an average student because he has learned how to get into a computer's system and that's usually frowned apon. Basically I think the author was mad at schools because he got in trouble for hacking in a computer.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Earth on Turtle's Back

So recently I've heard and read of a myth called "The Earth on Turtle's Back". I'm going to give a little summary. So it starts off by explaining how there isn't any Earth just water, water, and more water with just water animals and birds. There was also a "Skyland" which was a place which a huge tree where some kind of tribe lived. So there was an ancient chief who had a wife who was expecting a child. The wife had a dream where the huge tree was uprooted. She tells the chief about the dream. The people of the Skyland gather around the tree then they try to uproot it. They couldn't. The chief decided to give it a try and he uprooted it. When the chief uprooted the tree it left a hole. The wife held on to the roots of the tree to pear in. She looses grip and falls into the hole with a handful of seeds. The animals below see her and two swans fly up and catch her before she hits the water. The animals try to decide what to do with her and they think of Earth which is at the bottom of the ocean. All sort of animals try and fail except a simple muskrat. It swam and swam until it got to the bottom and even though it almost died it grabbed Earth and went back up successful. They didn't know where to put Earth until a turtle told them to put it on his back. They put it on his back and almost immediately it grows. The swans put the wife on Earth and she plants the seeds and they spring up to life making Earth. So I like this story the full version is obviously better but it was just a summary. I'm not really sure about what to think of this story. What I get out of this story besides how the Earth was made but also not to give up no matter how small or weak you are. At the bottom of this blog is a picture of a muskrat. This small animal swam to the bottom of the ocean and almost died but it didn't because it believed it could do it and it did. I get out of this story that you should always try your best no matter how hard it is, you can do it and make it no matter how much is against you. If you believe in yourself you can achieve anything whether if its for yourself or someone else like the muskrat got Earth for the woman. This is Flame signing off.

Size: 15.75 - 27.56in
Weigh: Newborn- 0.05lbs
Average- 1.32- 4.41lbs

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Socratic Method

                About the Socratic Method, the way I see it is that its just someone asking someone else questions to better understand them. It is suppose to be questions and answers to get some kind of truth out. I feel like in some cases this might work, but then again I don't think it will work to much unless the questions turn personal and things get weird. I'm not to sure about how or when to use the Socratic Method.

Monday, August 20, 2018


        Hello and welcome to "Flame's Blogs".                    Hope you enjoy the posts.