Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thinking about the presentation

If you have been following my posts then you know that I had a presentation on May 24, 2019 aka last Friday. I have been thinking about it and how it had gone. I recieved a paper with some of my colleagues thoughts. Their thoughts were their opinions of my presentations. According to then I did great. My presentation was about how the brain works. I have been interested lately of how the brain works and why it is we do some the things we do. I was very nervous and even mentioned it to everyone that I was nervous and tried to relate it to the presentation. I was so happy when it was over. I think I did pretty good as well. Some of my colleagues thought were "Great presentation, good job getting the audience involved. I liked how you explained your topic" and "He provided details and explained how the parts of the brain work. Complex.". I really happy about how it went and kind of look forward to another.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Best Writing!!

Alright so I have a meeting with a guy who goes by Dr. Preston. He's a teacher or professor I'm not entirely sure what his occupation is. I'm pretty excited to go over with him my masterpiece and a few things I wrote in my journal about my masterpiece. I'm super excited to hear what Dr. Preston has to say about my masterpiece because it'd be good to get any idea that I might could add. Knowing that I'm presenting  my masterpiece to my colleagues on May 24, 2019 I feel that getting a professor's opionion would be a great help. I have written down some things in one of my personal journals to keep some notes on my masterpiece. They're just ideas at the moment but I'm interested in seeing what Dr. Preston says about them.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Monkey See/Do/Hear

My masterpiece project is coming together pretty smoothly. For me to present I have looked up some information about my idea. I made a ppt (PowerPoint) for my presentation to my colleagues. Although it is not finished I plan to have it finished and present it on May 24, 2019. I have already took steps to doing a kineastedic way of presenting my presentation. Although, two of my colleagues caught on to what my masterpiece is. I give them props. As far as I know, none of my other colleagues have caught onto what my presentation is about.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

BNW theme and personal analysis (essay basically if you're interested)

    So I finished the book "Brave New World" (I know I didn't post my notes on it been kind of lazy) and I thought of a quote that might fit this book. "Love isn't about lust, lust only makes things worse". This is something that I made up that I feel fits this book perfectly. What I basically mean is that love isn't just sex, in fact sex could turn things bad or make matters worse. Just like what happened with Jon in the book.
     As we know Jon is a white man birthed from a woman from the world state (who didn't beleive in natural birth). When Bernard takes Jon to the world outside the reservation, Jon gets super excited about the idea. However, Jon is surprised about what he finds. Keep in mind that when Jon saw Linina for the first time he fell in love almost immediately. Jon was super shy about being around Lenina like almost any typical person around their crush.
     Alright so going into the outside world Jon was super happy, he found his biological father and was finally where he wanted to be. Continuing on he started to become uncomfortable because of how the world worked. He didn't like that people took soma, looked exactly alike, and everyone banged everyone. He didn't like it one bit and didn't like the fact that Lenina was the exact same way. It started to destroy him inside when his mother (Linda) was dying and her doctor only gave her soma to kill her faster which was also a reason why he started to hate the outside world.
     There was a time in the where Lenina ended up with Jon in his room. Jon told Lenina that he loved her due to the fact that it was messing with him so much. She didn't understand the real meaning of love, she only thought love was sex just like everyone else. It's because of what she was taught that she started to undress for Jon thinking he wanted to have sex with her. He didn't. In fact he was trying to figure out what she was doing. When he figured out that she just wanted sex it made him very angry. He pushed her to the floor which causes her to run into the bathroom and lock the door because of her new fear of him. It was because of a phone call that she was able to escape.
     There was a point in the book where Jon got tired of seeing people take soma. He was watching Deltas (I think) gettin soma as payment from an Alpha. It was when the 2 Deltas started fighting and the Alpha threatening to stop giving soma that triggered the following events. Jon stood up and yelled at everyone that soma was a poison and that they need to stop taking it to save themselves. He hoped to help people by throwing the soma out the window which then caused the Deltas angry and try to hurt/kill Jon. The Alpha calls the police who calm everything down. Bernard and Helmholtz are sent to islands and Jon gets to stay.
    At the end of the book Jon kills himself. He tries to by throwing himself into a bush but only ends up getting more attention because of someone recording him. It caused him to become a joke. It was this that made him want to go into isolation. He was sad,angry, and just plain out didn't want anything to do with the world. He tried to help people but all they did was hurt him. They found Jon at a light house. His imaginations of Lenina drove him crazy into anger. He whipped himself because of his love for Lenina. He saw her among the crowd of people who found him and he chased and whipped her for his anger. He ended up hanging himself because of his depression like emotions. "Love isn't about lust, lust only makes things worse" -me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ignite talk

My big question is how can I become a famous or at least well known gaming Yotuber? I really like playing video games, and I thought about YouTube and started thinking about how I can become a YouTuber so that I can do what I love for a living. I have watched well known YouTubers like Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and others. Something that caught my attention is how consistant they were with uploading, they were enthusiastic, and caring for their YouTube community. Something that I connect to my question is one of our journal topics that asked something like why is it that some teachers are sought as better or why some are more prepared or something like that. I plan on continuing to watch more YouTube to see if there's something else I can notice about the channels and watch previous videos and see if I can find how they started.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ch. 15 notes BNW

  • Alpha (that is distributing soma to Deltas) talks in a way that he sounds as if he is talking down to the Deltas
  • Deltas stopped pushing after Alpha threatened to stop distributing until he had "good behaviour"
  • John tells Deltas to stop taking soma- calls it poison
  • John starts throwing soma out a window
  • Deltas get mad and start rushing towards John to attack
  • Helmhotz runs to help John
  • Deltas now attacking John and Helmhotz
  • Policemen come in- sprays soma like gas and plays a calming soundtrack for the Deltas
  • Bernard, John, and Helmhotz taken in by the police.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Ch. 13 BNW Notes

  • "A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away,"- Henry Foster
  • Lenina snapped at Henry
  • Danny doesn't like that Lenina is sad and only wants one man
  • Lenina only wants John
  • Danny tries to pressure Lenina into having sex with John whether he wants to or not
  • John expected Helmholtz at the door but it was Lenina
  • John wanted to prove himself worthy of Lenina
  • ^ Lenina doesn't see why
  • John is willing to do anything for Lenina
  • John tells Lenina he loves her
  • Lenina hated the idea of marriage but told John she liked him
  • Lenina stripped down for John
  • John didn't understand why Lenina stripped down- became scared almost-backed into a wall
  • Lenina started to sing a song "Hug me till you drug me, honey... kiss me until I'm in a coma. Hug me, hunny, snuggly"
  • John calls Lenina a whore
  • John pushes Lenina away- she falls
  • Lenina scared of John
  • Lenina rushes into bathroom
  • John pissed off because of how Lenina acted
  • John realuntantly gives Lenina her clothes threw a ventalation above the bathroom door
  • John gets a call about a girl being sick
  • John rushs to the address given to him
  • Lenina runs out of room and doesn't feel safe until she goes down the lift

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ch. 12 BNW

  • John doesn't want to to show up at Bernard's party
  • Indignation-anger or annoyed
  • People indignant because they can't see John
  • Lenina thinks John hates her
  • Everyone hates Bernard now
  • John "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare
  • Paper titled "A New Theory of Biology" called dangerous and potentially subversive by Mustapha Mond-not to be published
  • "What fun would it be, if one didn't have to think of happiness".-Mustapha Mond
  • Bernard becomes unhappy again
  • Helmholtz and John forgive Bernard for the way he acted
  • Helmholtz did a rhyme about being alone- "marked" by authority
  • ^ Students reported him
  • Bernard jealous of Helmhotz and John because of how much they're talking about stuff
  • ^ soma won't work for Bernard
  • Helmholtz has outburst about Juliet getting forced into marriage

Friday, April 5, 2019

Ch. 11 BNW notes

  • Director fired because of what happened-now considered a joke
  • People digested by Linda
  • Linda took 20 grammies of soma a day
  • John tried to make Linda not take the soma
  • Linda OD's on soma
  • First time Bernard was of importance because of John
  • Everyone like Bernard now
  • Helmoltz sad-why?-off soma?
  • Bernard told himself not to talk to Helmoltz again
  • People believe that Bernard is going to have a bad ending
  • John isn't happy
  • Moustapha Mond gets angry because Bernard's report doesn't spell out mother and so he feels insulted
  • Deltas-black
  • Gammas-ginger 
  • Epsilon-Blue eyed, flaxen, and freckled
  • John doesn't want soma
  • Theres a school where individuals are made (not birthed)
  • Little girls in beta-minus geography cried their sins to Jesus in class
  • ^- whipped themselves and laughed
  • People don't do things by themselves
  • Lenina likes John
  • John introduced to "Feelys" by Lenina
  • Titillation-arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words
  • "Feelys"- place for sexual satisfaction
  • End of movie- Black man (gone crazy) sent to reconditing center- Blonde saved by 3 white men
  • John doesn't feel worthy enough for Lenina
  • John didn't like the movie-thinks it was ignoble
  • Ignoble-not honorable in character or purpose
  • Linina wants to do it with John-Lustful
  • John leaves Lenina at her house
  • John reads "Othello"- compares "Othello" to black man in movie-calls him hero
  • Lenina chances not waking up the next day- takes 3 grammies of soma

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

ENDGAME (No not the movie)

Alright so my school year is close to the end. So far my class has been pretty open about what we want to learn. The teacher has given us ideas and listened to ours. It's pretty close to the end. I have talked to my teacher about an experiment. I'm aware of Pavlov's experiment with dogs, food, and a bell. However I plan on doing it with my colleagues. I plan on examining them although I'm not going into details of the experiment so that if any of them do read this post they won't know what the experiment is.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

BNW ch. 10 notes

  • Woman only sang at work-all same
  • Men only whistled- all same
  • "It is better that one should suffer than that many should be corrupted"-Director
  • "Murder kills only the individual-and, after, what is an individual"-director
  • Director calls Bernard a tyrant (basically) because of how he acts and is
  • Bernard brings in Linda
  • Linda was Director's lover!
  • People quieted down when Linda said Director made her have a baby
  • Linda calls John in.
  • Director is John's father
  • Director laughed at for being called "Father"

Monday, April 1, 2019

Ch. 9 notes BNW

  • Lenina takes six half-gramme of some when she got back to the rest house

  • Bernard given warrant to take Linda and John out of reservation

  • Someone broke into the rest town

  • Someone obsessed with Lenina

  • Quotes Shakespeare

  •  The person ran away towards Bernard after hearing him land

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Some ideas, thoughts, or something to know about ch. 8

  • Bernard asked John to explain what John has been threw in his childhood in the reservation.

  • Linda (John's mother) isn't origanally from the reservation so her idea of relationships is basically just have intercourse with whoever you want but don't stay to long with them. The "savages" don't agree with that idea, their ideas are much like ours where we prefer long term relationships with love and affection. John learns about Linda's idea of relationships when he goes home to her getting whipped by 3 woman. After the 3 woman are done whipping Linds cries about not knowing what the woman meant by their men being theirs and no one elses.

  • Keep in mind that Pope brang Mescal to Linda in which she compares it to soma.

  • Something that's interesting is that John drank a little bit of the mescal. This caused his anger for Pope to inflate and John expressed it. John found a knife on the floor and stabbed Pope while he slept. Pope evoke and and realized what John has done. Pope just laughs and tells John to go into the next room.

  • Something that some reader might not notice is Shakepeare's allusions. "Nay, but to live
    In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
    Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love
    Over the nasty sty …". 
I asked a colleague what book this was from. I don't remember the book name but I remember him explaining that this part is when a son realizes what his mother and uncle had done. The uncle killed the father to become king. And mother was with the uncle. I think that this is a corrasponse to how Linda gets with multiple people.

  • John feels alone. He is the only light-skinned person in the reservation. Because of this he isn't allowed in the savages traditions thus makes him alone.

  • John crusified himself. John did this because Jesus did it. He also was very unhappy which was another one of his reasons. His last reason was that he felt that he had done something wrong.

  • After hearing John's story Bernard proposed that he could take John and Linda outside of the reservation.

  • Bernard told John that he and Lenina were not together. This made John pretty darn happy.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

BNW ch. 8 notes

  • Bernard curious about John's past
  • John tell Bernard about when he was young
  • Linda sings songs about being made in a bottle to John
  • John didn't call Linda mom even though she is his mom
  • Pope- Linda's lover?
  • Linda compares miscal to soma
  • Linda gets whipped by 3 other woman for sleeping with their men
  • Linda beat John for capping her mother
  • Linda doesn't know what life are
  • Linda tells John about outside the reservation
  • Linda gives John a book called "The chemical and bacteriological conditioning of the embryo"
  • ^John didn't like it
  • Linda didn't know how to do anything but her job
  • John finds a book called "The complete work of William Shakepeare"
  • John hated Pope
  • John Frank medical
  • John killed Pope?
  • John taught by Mitsima
  • John married woman named Kiakime
  • John wasn't allowed in a ritual where boys became men
  • John and Bernard similar-different
  • People in society never saw cuts, bruises etc. 
  • Bernard agrees to take John and Linda outside the reservation
  • John is extremely happy

Monday, March 25, 2019


Heyo so I'm curious about as to how many people wake up like or close to like me. When I wake up I wake up really early without an alarm. I wake up around 4 in the morning. Sometimes I stay up and other times I fall back to sleep for about 10-20 minutes and wake up and it happens again. If I do stay up then I play video games or watch YouTube on my xbox. Around 5:30 i brush my teeth. I don't shower in the morning I shower in the afternoon. Around 6:15 I get dressed. I don't really take my time choosing what to wear I kind of just grab and put on. I usually leave around 6:30 with my little brother to the bus stop to school. When I leave I make sure I have 4 things a shirt for weights, my I.D. card, my phone, and a charger for my phone. I really enjoy waking up around 4 so I plan on continuing to wake up at 4. I think I need to stop and try to start keeping myself up however so can stay up around 4.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

BNW ch. 7 notes

  • Lenina doesn't like savages
  • Old people in the "normal society" weren't the typical old people as today IRL
  • Lenina freaked out about motherhood
  • Lenina didn't like seeing a man whipped
  • Lenina cries for soma- doesn't want to be sad
  • A white man (in reservation) wanted to a be sacrafice?
  • ^ wasn't allowed because of complexion
  • The man whipped-died
  • The whipping was to please gods-tradition
  • Lenina smiles a lot at the man
  • The directors lover is the man's mother-Linda
  • Lenina didn't like Linda
  • Linda-Beta-Had baby-hated it- wanted to go back-was no longer "normal"
  • Lenina hated the idea of babies
  • Man-John
  • Linda hates the reservation-wishes she could go back
  • Linda tried to condition Frank
  • Frank (at young age) wasn't allowed to do what other boys could

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Brave New world ch. 6 notes

  • Lenina deciding between Bernard (weirdo) and Benito (trip to north pole)
  • Henry-compared Bernard to rhinoceros- can't be taught anything
  • Bernard wants to walk for hours talking to Lenina
  • ^ Lenina found this weird
  • Bernard hates crowds-prefers isolation
  • Bernard prefers the real him (even if sad) over the drugged him
  • Lenina freaks out about hearing nothing but the ocean
  • People get freaked out when they hear nature (ocean etc.)
  • Bernard knows he isn't free- Lenina doesn't but thinks she is
  • Bernard has sudden change- acts normal (in this society) rather than himself
  • Lenina likes Bernard but wishes he was normal
  • The director loved a woman whom he lost in New Mexico- still thinks about her
  • Bernard is given warning for listening to nature
  • Watson likes (not loves like) Bernard because he is the only one who listens
  • Planes get to places in minutes/seconds
  • Bernard's knows exactly how many times things were repeated to children while they slept and what ages from
  • Woman in New Mexico reservation (consists of "savages") still gave natural births
  • The savages have society like IRL
  • Bernard is transferred to Iceland
  • "Normal" people killed savages if they did any harm

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brave New World ch. 5 notes

  • People's bodies were reincarnated then reused
  • Lenina remembers waking up in the middle of the night when she was young and hearing a voice say "Everyone works for everyone else"
  • ^ Lenina's first shock of fear and surprise
  • The people know they're conditioned to be happy that they aren't other caste
  • Lenina remembers being told that she's happy (50x every night, for 12 years)
  • Old favorite song- "There ain't no bottle in the world like that dear little bottle of mine"- talking about how they were made?
  • Women are conditioned to take "precautions birth controls?
  • They have a "Ford's day"- Ford=God
  • If you were playing "obstacle" or "electro-magnetic"- it was weird- Bernard was weird
  • Meeting of 12 people (groups) on Ford's day- cult like
  • People danced and sang "orgy porgy"
  • Bernard lied to Fifi about enjoying the ritual
  • Bernard feels empty and alone

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Brave New World chapter 4 notes

  • Soma=drug
  • Bernard- doesn't like or take soma
  • People don't like Bernard because he's different
  • Today's society is considered primative compared to "Brave New World" society's
  • Caste-class (middle, lower, etc
  • Benito Hoover- Part of name is U.S. president during the Great Deprssion and other part is a Russian Dicator name combined
  • Your height shows your authority and power
  • Bernard is a defect
  • Bernard and Watson know their individuals and don't see themselves as just alphas
  • Watson is trying to isolate himself
  • Bernard and Watson are friends
  • Both are different

Monday, March 11, 2019

Brave New World chapter 3. Notes

  • Games were a way to get people to buy stuff
  • What kind of sexual game were the boy and girl playing?
  • Polly Trotsky-girl who hurt a boy
  • Sex among was allowed and considered normal
  • Moustapha Mond-one of 10 world controllers
  • Henry Foster-with Lenina Crowne
  • Bernard Marx-psychology bureau-somethings off
  • Leniana Crowne-with Henry Foster
  • People believe anything a controller says
  • The term "mother" made people sick
  • Homes were considered squalid-horrible
  • Families were considered horrible things
  • Dating for long term is frowned upon (Henry+Lenia)
  • DHC doesn't allow for dating to be a long term thing
  • Having sex with multiple people was normal
  • Public sexual activity was normal
  • Doing alone is frowned upon
  • Small wasn't liked (height)
  • Museums-shut down
  • Historical monuments-blown up
  • Books before Ford were burned

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Brave New World chapters 1-2 Conversations

I was talking to colleague about the first 2 chapters of "Brave New World". One thing that jumped out to us both was how the book kind of relates to what's happening now with the education system. When children are told to learn let's say vocabulary, they learn them but they don't understand them. They get a test to test whether or not they know them and they'll pass, however they don't understand a single thing they learned. Another thing is that people are afraid to speak they're mind. In the book one of the children following a director around a factory asks a question. The director made him feel stupid and embarrassed. This is what happens from middle school to high school. No one wants to speak because they are afraid of being wrong or made a fool of . A third thing is that people are literally made in factories like a toy or something. Although it is cool via story wise but to think about it as real life it's kind of scary to see that as a future. Theres also the fact that the people in the book consider a man named Ford as god. At the end of chapter 2 the director says "Oh Ford". This corresponds to the people seeing a man, who I assume made humans be able to be created in factories, as a god. The last thing is that the Beta's,  a batch of babies that were made in a factory, were being taught to hate others for various reasons. They were being taught via overhead to hate everyone else except for Betas.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Brave New World Chapter 1 Notes

Starting "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, we are found in a factory. Not just any factory but one of many factories that produces humans. This strikes me hard. If you think about today we are kind of heading in this direction of just making humans in factories. We have already cloned, made, sheep and other animals. Either cloning going on it is very possible that we might get to the point where we are no longer having intercourse to make new burns but producing them in factories. This scares me a but seeing how humans are meant to have grow up, mature, survive, and eventually have intercourse with the opposite sex to produce my people to continue the human race. If we start producing humans then there will be no point of intercourse.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Great Gatsby my opinion

I don't think Gatsby is that great of a guy in some ways but he is in other. In his youth he ran away from home however when he was older he help his father by buying him a house to live. He loves Daisy but he has to break up a marriage to get her. Gatsby in my opinion is kind in the middle but I say that he is more of on the not so good guy side.

Nick says he's honest. He is honest. To himself. Everyone sees things differently. 20 people could see the same thing that happened like say something was streaming Fortnite. There are a million different ways people would talk or think about it. It sucks, it's amazing, its lame, etc. Nick interprated this story this way. What about how Daisy or Jrodan saw it? What about Gatsby and Tom? Different perspectives can cause different stories.

To me Daisy and Tom worked more like a team than they seem. Daisy is easily swayed by money and nice things. Tom is a duche who was born into money and only wants money. I believe that they loved each other every second of the story but they acted like they didn't so they could get Gatsby's money. (If wanted to be better explained comment and I will explain this more)

I don't like Daisy at all I think her choices were pretty dumb and selfish. She really only wants what's best for her not anyone else. Let's take her daughter for example. Daisy doesn't give a flying diaper about her own daughter. It's like she's just a trophy or something let Daisy show off as something that she cares about. However, Daisy doesn't care and this shown because she only ever seen her 3 times according to this story. The first has to be st her birth. Second in the beginning. And lastly when Gatsby was around. The daughter's name isn't even mentioned. If Daisy was real then I wouldn't let me child go near her.

The last sentence in the book is interesting. It said "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" (Fitzgerald IX 189). This last sentence to me is saying that even though we're living now. Even though were going against obstacles now we are still affected by what we did or what other have done to us in the past.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Gatsby quiz question chapter 1-4

Chapter 1:
1. What advice did Nick's dad give him?

2. Where did Nick live?

Chapter 2:
1. What kind of dog did Mrs. Wilson want?

2. What happened to between Tom and Mrs. Wilson?

Chapter 3:
1. What was the old man at the bar going on about?

2. What name did Jordan tell Nick to look her up by in the phonebook?

Chapter 4:
1. Who did Clarence Endive get in a fight with in the garden?

2. What month was Daisy's daughter born?

Gatsby Pg 39-60

Alright so Nick attended Gatsby's party in which he finds Jordan baker while looking for the host,Gatsby. They chat for awhile then they both go looking around for Gatsby. They headed to a bar where they found a drunk guy talking about how real the books were. Nick unknowingly into Gatvy in which he finds out that he too was in the military. Gatsby then is called to take a call from Chicago and leaves Nick and Jordan. A little time passes and the orchestra announces they are going to play a special song then one of Gatsby's butler tells Jordan that he wants to talk to her on which she leaves Nick by himself. Later on there's a car crash and then Nick went home.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Gatsby pages 14-22

I just finished chapter one of "The Great Gatsby". Basically what i found out is that Tom wasn't present for his daughter's birth. He was no where to be found and that Daisy didn't really care about the child and said that the best thing she could be is a buetiful fool. I also learned that Tom might be talking to another woman who lives in New York. There are apparently rumors about Nick being engaged to a woman in his town. When Nick got back to his home to saw who he believes is Gatsby who in a short few minutes or so just vanishes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rich People and backward Thinking

Alright so I'm reading a book named "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It occurs to me that some of the characters are sexist and/or racist. Tom is a good 3xapmle. He often cuts his wife's sentences in half, is rude to her, and he physically and possibly emotionally hurts her. Daisy (Tom's wife) shows Nick (the main character) her bruised hand in which she says that Tom did it. Tom also shows that is a racist by saying "The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be- will be utterly submerged" in which he is talking about a book called "The rise of the Coloured Empires". Later he says "It's up to us who are the dominant race to watch out or these other races will have a control of things.". Tom is saying that The white race is the ultimate race and that they need to be careful or else the other races will take over. He demonstrates the definition of racism which is the belief that one race is superior than others.

Friday, January 25, 2019


I recently heard about Hopepunk which is a new literary genre that was made about a month ago. By what I can find it's basically about fighting back no matter what. It's placed in an era of President Donald Trump and a post acolyptic world. The person who found it lives in masacchutes. It's sounds pretty interesting I suggest checking it out.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Differences of three genres

There are three different genres that I recently heard about. They are naturalism, realism and modernism.First of all what is a genre? A genre is basically a bunch of catorgeriz3d groups of things. Let's take music. There is hip-hop, rock, metal, old school and whole lot more. They are all their own genres because all the songs in each category are similar in some way. Now the 3 genres i want to talk about. Naturalism is fictional, the characterns are often lower class citizens, inspire people by spiritual reasons (ethos), and are driven by unnatural powers. Realism is where the characters are held accountable by their decisions, self-detrrmined, live in an interior world, and are often phycologically complex. Modernilism is fictional, often a poetry or short story, showed the destruction, blood and basically everything bad that happened after world war one.

How to get to Graceland

My experience with reading and writing has mostly been with different groups of people. These groups are usually at school with my classmates. I saw a video about Paul Simon. I couldn't really realate to it. It was cool and all to watch and learn about someone who did something that no one else has done but I couldn't realate.